Frequently asked questions


An online payment page will go live on this website within the next few days.

We’ll continue to post information and updates here.

How do I pay?


The short answer:

The instructional videos are like weekly assignments. The player can do watch and train on her /his own schedule, but will have to complete them before a specified deadline.

The weekly clinic group chats are scheduled and mandatory. Currently, these are designed and planned to last for about 30 minutes.

The longer (technical) answer:

We will have “synchronous” and “asynchronous” class timings.

Asynchronous classes are prerecorded, ordered, sequential instructional videos to watch at your own schedule, but with a deadline/time limit. We will post the videos on the website on Sunday night. The student will have access to it from any device (Computer browser, smart phone, tablet).

Synchronous group classes are periodic and short real-time group/clinic video conferences. We will use Google Hangout Meet to communicate online as a group. We’ll post further details and instructions here.

Asynchronous One-on-One (…coming soon)

Synchronous One-on-One (…coming soon)

what are the timings?


How is the cost structured? Is it by video? By week? By class/sesssion?

The “Virtual Tennis Training” is structured as a 6-week course, and the cost is $150 per student


How long are the videos? How many are there?

(…answer coming soon)


Will the player receive any review, analysis or feedback?

The short answer:


The longer answer/explanation:

(…coming soon)


Do the videos contain any instruction?


There is an instructional segment preceding each drill for the players to watch and learn before attempting to follow the drills.

In the group video conference, parts of the discussion will revolve around an instructional topic we will focus on that week.


Can it be done indoors in the case of bad weather?


The courses are designed as solo and indoor activities. Though indoors (family rooms, basements, garages, driveways, backyards), we recommend exercising caution and spatial awareness as you are moving and running around, as well as swinging a racquet for shadow (simulation) strokes. If the space is very limited, then we recommend performing the drills with only your hand, instead of the racquet.


Do I need special equipment?

Our Virtual Tennis Training courses do not require equipment or props, but, it is useful and enjoyable. We do recommend and encourage using a racquet (or a paddle), some cones, chalk markings and/or tape.


Will the program be cut short or extended according to changes in the COVID-19 guidelines?

No. It will not b e cut short.

Moving forward, we will continue to develop and extend the Virtual Tennis Training courses as a co-requisite (similar to Fitness) to take along with in-person clinics when those sessions resume.